Change the sort order of domains in WHMCS

WHMCS is popular software used to manage a web hosting business. It works, but it can be clunky and the company frustrates me with what appears to be a culture of denial about problems. I am posting this so that hopefully other WHMCS users can find a solution to a hair-tearing problem that the company hasn’t fixed despite it being brought to their attention.

The problem:

Now that there is about 500 domains available managing them and keeping them in any sort of meaningful order is close to impossible. Wholesale prices are regularly changing and maintaining just that can be tricky. The issue is that the domains are in some sort of random order, it seems to be based on the order in which they are added to the system. That is fair enough, there has to be some sort of default, but then re-ordering them should be easy, but it is a nightmare.

See the circled handle below? The way they have it set is that you have to grab that, one at a time, and drag it to the position you want the domain.

Imagine trying to do that for 500 domains that are not in alphabetical order but you want them to be. It would be hard enough if it was simply a long list, but in a browser where you have to drag and scroll at the same time…forget it.

A solution:

This solution is a bit complex and not for the faint of heart, but if you are running a server you should have the skills to be able to follow quite easily.

Firstly, and do I even need to say this, back up your data. We are going to do that anyway, but is it possible to have too many backups?

Jump into PHPmyAdmin open the table tbldomainpricing and export it as a CSV file. This is a backup, but we are also going to manipulate it, so make a copy if you want.

Open the table in a spreadsheet, I used Google Sheets because it is so easy. Once opened you will see that column A is the domain ID, Column B is the domain name and column H is the sort order.

The first thing I did was to order the sheet by Column B, A->Z as that is what I am after, an alphabetical list.

We can immediately see the scale of the problem, ideally, Column H should be sequential numbers, it is way off.

Fortunately with spreadsheets, filling a column with sequential values is trivially easy. Firstly put the number 1 in row 1 and 2 in row 2 like this. (They yellow is just highlighting).

Next select both row 1 and row 2. The easiest way is to hold the shift key and click H1 then H2 it will look like this

The important thing to note is the handle on the bottom right of the blue square. Grab it and drag it down, all the way to the bottom of the column…yeah it is tedious, but it is easy.

If you want to test, you can always drag it a little way and let it go to see the outcome.

Once you have dragged all the way to the bottom and released the handle your domains will be have the database order column (Column H) in sequential order, assuming the domain name column (Column A) was ordered alphabetically as well.

Now is your opportunity to bump any popular or featured domains to the top of the WHMCS list. Simply change the value in Column H to 0. You can have multiple identical valued domains, they will be kept in numerical order then ordered alphabetically. I am not going to elaborate on the logic here…if you aren’t following, you really shouldn’t be messing with databases.

We are ready to save the sheet or if you are in Google Sheets, you need to download it as a CSV – click file > download and in your browser you may have to click save file.

Now we are going back to PHPmyAdmin and the database. Most importantly, make sure you have that original CSV file as a backup or another way to restore your database.

Empty the tbldomainpricing table and import your CSV file, that should get your WHMCS domains in alphabetical order on your site.

Of course, it would be easier if WHMCS came up with a way to do this painlessly, and they might, but I won’t hold my breath when despite conceding the current process is difficult, their attitude is “If we receive feedback from other users in this vein then it will only help informing our prioritisation of such work.”

Reaching the limits

A few months ago I set a challenge to beat the 123host support ticket response time of 51.7% within 1 hour and 82.7% within 4 hours.

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly!! Legendary as always. Katherine M-S.

It isn’t like all stops have been pulled out to try to beat earlier metrics, but those stats keep tumbling.

Steve!! It worked!! Thank you!!! I really appreciate how patient you’ve been with me. Sally S.

January 2021 – almost 69% of customer support tickets answered within an hour! That’s unheard of!

Within 4 hours, 95.4% of the 83 support tickets opened during the month had been answered.

It is getting harder to get better, but we’ll keep trying.

My word, you are a superstar! Thank you dearly!!!!! Nelle G.

Because I forget

It isn’t important until I remember to post the support ticket stats.

This is November…

63% heard back from me in under an hour and 93% received their first reply in less than 4 hours.

Happy customers :o)

You. Are. The. Actual. Best. Nelle G.

Thanks Steve! You are too good 🙂 Emma D.

I just wanted to say…. you are an outstanding human being! Michael G.

Thank you! What an amazing job you’ve done, I’m so grateful! Missy R.

The great customer service continues

The 123host mantra is “to give the level of customer service we wish we received elsewhere” because, let’s face it, most internet customer service sucks. It takes days to get a response to your inquiries…if you do get a reply.

Not at 123host. Pretty happy with these stats for September 2020.

Over half of tickets received their first answer within 1 hour. An incredible 82% were answered within 4 hours and 93% were answered within 8 hours. During September the average first response was 2.2 hours.

And it is all done with Australian staff…

Divi theme…I’m getting interested

If you use WordPress you need to have a theme. There are thousands and thousands of them ranging from the free default theme through to expensive premium themes.

One popular theme is Divi and the associated Divi builder. I’ll be honest and admit I don’t know a lot about it apart from having tweaked a few Divi sites, so I can find my way around it.

But I do own a lifetime multi-site Divi license that I purchased for customers who subscribe to the WordPress management service I offer.

As part of that I was also added to the Divi mailing list. As a rule as soon as I get the first email from something like this I unsubscribe, but in this case I have actually found them to be a bit useful, so I pick the eyes out of the content.

I keep adding their freebies to the Divi pack customers have access to and today I found out they have a YouTube channel with a load of tutorials which look like a great resource for getting your Divi on.

I might check it out…

Wide open spaces

The server restart referred to in the last post was used as part of updating the amount of storage. Did I say updating? I meant doubling.

There is now twice as much disk space on the server giving us all room to grow. I am committed to not having the server get overcrowded, often an issue if you use a cheap hosting service.

To “celebrate” I have doubled the storage quota for each plan.

Basic hosting has bumped from 15Gb to 30Gb and Advanced Hosting is up from 50Gb to 100Gb.

Use the space wisely grasshopper.

Anxiety is over-rated

Running a server is a mix of learning, fun, puzzle solving and terror. A lot of people rely on 123host (or any hosting company for that matter) to keep everything working so their business can operate.

What users might not realise is how much house-keeping is involved in keeping a server running smoothly. One of the most important aspects is keeping the software up to date.

And the most crucial component of any operating system is the kernel

The Linux kernel is the main component of a Linux operating system and is the core interface between a computer’s hardware and its processes. It communicates between the 2, managing resources as efficiently as possible.

When the kernel is updated the server needs to be restarted to have the changes become effective. I had been holding off a reboot for a long time, but as part of the upgrade to disk storage a reboot became necessary.

I hate it.

The server is going to be offline for a period. In the past it hasn’t restarted cleanly. The world could end. What if…?

I had sent everyone an email warning it would happen Friday night. Due to circumstances in the data centre, it didn’t. I don’t like bombarding people with emails so I gritted my teeth and set 6:30PM Sunday to reboot, figuring it is likely a time when fewest customers are doing any work on their sites.

Expecting a 5 minute downtime I clicked “restart” and waited, shunning all attempts by my partner to talk to me…even the offer of chocolate was spurned (just kidding, I took the chocolate).

And then…in less than 2 minutes, the server was up and running again. TWO.MINUTES!

Needless anxiety indeed.


Don’t push gmail

If you can get past the fact that Google has overtaken Microsoft as the symbol of internet evil, gmail is pretty good. Especially the spam filtering.

In the past when people want their @domain emails in their gmail account I have simply forwarded it i.e. pushed the emails to gmail. But this has a down-side.

Imagine your account receives a whole lot of spam. You then forward it to your gmail account. Gmail doesn’t see it as coming from someone else to you, they see it as coming from you to gmail. Google responds by blocking your IP address (since you are seen as a spammer) which also happens to be the IP address of every other account on the 123host server. i.e. everyone gets blocked by Google.

I have a new strategy now, I am getting gmail to pull the emails from 123host. I won’t get into the details here on how to do it, it isn’t hard but it is a little complex.

From now on all new 123host -> gmail will be set up as gmail pulling and I will slowly switch over you pushers.

Another layer of security

I confess to now being security paranoid. I hope I don’t become obsessive…then again, it might not be a bad thing.

In order to share bits of code, passwords, whatever there is now a resource at Paste your bits in there, click “send” and you will be given a URL to share with the recipient.

NOTHING is seen or retained by the server (or me) unless I get the URL

If you check the “burn” box the data will only be viewable once.

123host – keeping the internet safe for kittens.