Another crack at reducing spam

There are pathological people who are quite happy to spoil something good for everyone else if it is to their advantage. The internet in general is a great example of that and spam in particular.

On a good day, I receive about twice as many spam emails as legitimate emails. On a bad day it is worse.

Add to that there are constant attacks on the server and websites by people who are trying to hack a site so it will send spam, adding to the problem, and it is an ongoing pain in the arse.

RBL SPAM filtri | DNSBL | DNS blacklist |
It makes a blog post more interesting to have some sort of image, but don’t be fooled, this is grossly inaccurate. The ratio of spam to legitimate email (for me) should be reversed.

In an effort to reduce the incoming spam count I have enabled one of the RBL’s (Realtime Black Lists).

The risk is always that it causes too many false positives – marking legit email as spam – and becoming a headache in itself.

If this works, it should be obvious within a day or so. Stand by for an update 😛

Awesome customer support continues

A lot of people say a lot of nice things about the exceptional customer service at (you can read them there).

It all comes down to the philosophy to give the level of customer service we wish we received from others, because we all know that in general, customer service sucks.

I am always really proud of the support ticket response times and whenever I think it probably can’t be improved…guess what.

March 2022 – over 68% of tickets replied within 1 hour and almost 97% replied within 4 hours!

“Within 1 hour” sounds good, but there were 68 support tickets opened in March and

I might give myself a pay rise.