Beware some domain registration emails

I regularly receive an email from confused customers asking “is this email real?” and I always praise them for being wary.  There are many many scams on the internet and I am happy to help sort the scam from the spam and the ham.

This particular email is sent regularly and it can actually be prevented (see below).


The email is skilfully written to be as confusing as possible – note the highlighted line.  It sounds ominous “Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiation date may result in cancellation of this offer”.  Well whoopee do!  They may cancel the offer  of registering your domain on search engines…something that is completely unnecessary.

So if you receive this, convert it from scam to spam.

And if you want to not receive this sort of email, for $5.50 per year 123host offers domain privacy which will hide your real email from the scammers.

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